Sunday Service Sermon 34.24

August 18 10:30 - 11:30 am  |  Under the Church Tent at Boyceville

Main Street, Boyceville, WI, USA

The God of Vision – 2 Kings 6:8-23


  1. God gives us vision to see what the ______________ is doing – vs. 8-12


  1. The enemy _________________ us with:
    • _____________
    • __________________
    • Messed up ____________________


  1. God gives us vision to see what ______ is doing – vs. 13-17


    1. God ____________________ us with:
  • _______________
  • _____________________
  • _____________


  1. God gives us _________________ to ___________ Him in what He is doing – vs. 18-23


    1. We join God in ______________________ His ___________________ (Luke 4:18-19)
  • To ______________ ___________ for the __________
  • To ______________ _________ for the ____________
  • To ____________ __________ for the _____________