Sunday Service Sermon 1.25
December 29, 2024 10:30 - 11:30am | Faith Evangelical Free Church
The Church Begins Acts 2:1-13
The gathering together of people for worship and prayer is already taking place. Why do we say that the church does not begin until the day of Pentecost?
First, the church is not an organization. It is an organism.
An organization is driven by its purpose, while an organism is driven by its life force within it.
Prior to Pentecost the gathering of people was an organization. At Pentecost they became an organism when the life of Jesus Christ came into them. Here’s what happened:
1. The people were gathered in __________________ to Christ’s directive.
2. Their meeting was interrupted by a ___________ ___________ from heaven.
3. A visible sign of divided _____________ like ________ came and rested on each one of them.
4. They each began to speak in other ___________ __________________.
5. The sound of the _______ and the loud __________________ drew a ___________.
6. Some were _____________ while others _______________ what was happening.
Here’s what happened: The organization called the church became a living organism by being infused with the living presence of Jesus Christ to carry out God’s redemptive plan for mankind.
So is Faith Evangelical Free Church in Boyceville an organization or a living organism?
Are we acting like it?