Sunday Sermon 23.24

June 2 10:30 - 11:30 am  |  Faith Evangelical Free Church

Faith Evangelical Free Church - Boyceville, 90 East Street, Boyceville, WI, USA

The God of Redemption – Genesis 3:1-21

hero is defined as one who, in the face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness, displays courage and the will for self-sacrifice for some greater good of all humanity. 


  1. Everything God _______________ was ___________ and was for His _______________.


  1. Man is ___________________ for the ________ that ___________________ us from _________.
  • God set the _________________ of _______________
  • God ______________ _______________ _________________ through __________________
  • Man ____________ _________-__________________ – which is ___________________


  1. God __________________ the ______________ __________ that will make ______________ our ________________ to God’s glory.
    • Genesis 3:14-15
    • Galatians 3:13
    • Hebrews 9:11-14

Hallelujah for the Hero of Heroes who redeems us.

Isaiah 44:22-23       Luke 1:67-70       Titus 2:11-14