Sunday Service Sermon 24.24

June 9, 2024 10:30 - 11:30am  |  Faith Evangelical Free Church

90 East St, Boyceville, WI, USA


NOTICE THE WORLD’S _____________ AND THE ___________________

  1. The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
  2. Genesis 6:11-13
  3. They had ____ years to repent – Genesis 6:3 1 Peter 3:20


NOW SEE NOAH’S _______________ AND GOD’S __________

  1. God’s ___________ was upon Noah – Genesis 6:8
  2. Noah responded to God’s grace with __________ – Genesis 6:9
  3. God ___________ Noah’s faith – Genesis 6:14-16
  4. God ___________ Noah into the ark – Genesis 7:1
    “Go” is also the Hebrew word for “come”.

Genesis 6:18     Matthew 11:28    John 7:37-38     John 6:35
FINALLY, SEE NOAH’S _______________ AND GOD’S _____________

  1. By faith Noah _______________ God’s command to build an ark Hebrews 11:7    Genesis 6:22
  2. By faith God took ______________ of him – Genesis 7:16
    Psalm 46:1-3      Psalm 91:1-2     John 6:37-40           

 John 10:27-29    Romans 8:33-39


Will you believe?

Luke 17:26-27     John 8:23-24    John 3:16-18    

John 20:30-31   Ephesians 1:11-14