Sunday Service Sermon 27.24

June 30 10:30 - 11:30 am  |  Faith Evangelical Free Church

90 East St, Boyceville, WI, USA

Hero of Heroes

Our Majestic God—is a God of Deliverance

Moses Exodus 5:22-6:5
1. God gave the ___________ deliverance through __________.
          a. Deliverance is often met with _________ Ex 5:22:10-21
          b. God reminds Moses of the __________ Ex 6:1-4
          c. Moses _________ the promises of God Ex 6:5-8
          d. Deliverance Is by ________ &/or ________. Ex 14:13

  1. God gives _______ deliverance through__________. Jn 3:16
    a. Deliverance is often met with ____________. Heb 3:7,8,12
    b. God reminds us of the __________. Jn 8:36;10:10
             c. We ___________ the deliverance by testimony. Rm 10:9,10; Jms 5:16
             d. Deliverance is often by _________ &/or ________.

i.   Ps 119:9,11

ii.  2 Cor 10:4-5

iii. Eph 4:15

iv. Col 3:1-17

Take Away: