Sunday Service Sermon 28.24

July 7 10:30 - 11:30 am  |  Faith Evangelical Free Church

90 East St, Boyceville, WI, USA

The God of Righteousness. Joshua 5:10-15 

Define Righteousness:  To Be _____; to act ______.  Psalm 11:7  

  • As applied to God, to never act in _____________ to His ______ or _______.    2 Corinthians 5:21.
  • As applied to man, to _____ the nature and purpose of God and _____ ______ to act in contradiction to them. 1 John 2:1
  1. Joshua _________ himself to God’s ___________ – Joshua 5:13-15

              a. God’s _____ is the _______ ____ – verse 14 (See 7:9 – “What will you do  for your great name?”)

              b. God ___________ established the ________ for all the ______ of the conquests. Joshua 6:18-19 

– Some was to be _______ to God’s ______

-All the rest was devoted to ___________

-Anyone who devoted anything to themselves was to be destroyed.

-All were held accountable for the actions of a few. (7:1a)

2. God does not __________ his _____________(7:1b)

3. When we compromise God’s righteousness, _____ takes over leading to ______

a. The spies were _____________ – (7:3)

b. Joshua listened to man’s ______________ rather than _______ God – (7:4a)

c. They were __________ – (7:4-5a)

4. Defeat leads to ______________ – (7:5b)

5. Discouragement leads to ________ – (7:6)

6. Distress leads to _______ and ___________ of the ______ – (7:7-9a)

7. God becomes the ____

a. Get up and join me in ______ the _______ – (7:10)

b. Face the _____, because God already _____ them – (7:11-12)

c. _____ your __________ to _____________ – (7:13)

d. ______ the ___ – (7:14-15)

e. ______ the sin – (7:24)

f. __________ the ___________ –  (8:1-2)