Sunday Service Sermon 29.24

July 14 10:30 - 11:30 am  |  Faith Evangelical Free Church

90 East St, Boyceville, WI, USA

Understanding the Power of God – Judges 6-7

I.  A _________________ Situation 

A.  ____________ Midianites 

• Midian was the son of Abraham through ____________.  

• _________ spent 40 years in Midianite Territory when he ran away from  ___________

• Moses _____________ Zipporah, daughter of Midianite Priest Jethro. 

• Joseph was ___________ to the Midianites 

• The Midianites in Gideon’s Day (Judges 6:1-10) 

• ________________ relevant (through strength) 

• _______________    • _____________ 

• ____________________ (6: 5) 

B. _________ Gideon (Judges 6:11-16) 

• Culturally _________________ 

• ___________ was poor 

• _______________ in Manasseh 

• _______________ son 

II. Details of the story (Judges 7:2-8)

A. Started at _____________ men

B. Eventually _______ men

• Outnumbered ________ to 1

III. God’s _____________ 

1. Doesn’t ___________ __________ 

2. Is ________________

3. Deserves

4. Accomplishes _____ Things in __________ ways 

GOD determines value and potential, not you!