Sunday Service Sermon 42.24

October 13 10:30 - 11:30 am  |  Faith Evangelical Free Church

90 East St, Boyceville, WI, USA




  • It signified ______________ in His earthly work.
  • It marked the return of His heavenly ___________.
  • It fulfilled His promise to _____________ a place for us.
  • It indicated the beginning of His new work as _________ ____________ and ______________ of the New Covenant.
  • It set the pattern for His _____________


2. THE CERTAINTY OF HIS ______________.

  • The angels ___________________ it
  • The Scriptures ___________ it.
  • Jesus ______________ his return (John 14:3).


3. HIS RETURN WILL BE __________________ (vs. 11)

  • In the same way…
  • This same Jesus…


4. HIS RETURN WILL BE ___________________ (v. 9)

  • Luke 21:27 tells us that Jesus will return “in a cloud with power and great glory.”
  • His first coming was ___________. His second coming will be seen by all.
  • His first coming was _______________. His second coming will be as _________ and __________.
  • His first coming was to be ______________ for our sin. His second coming is to ____________ all sin.
  • His first coming required _________________. His second coming requires ________________________ of who He is.


5. HIS RETURN IS __________________

  • Does not mean ____________________
    • The uncertainty of the _____________
    • The possibility of _______________
  • __________ and be ____________

“Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come” (Mark 13:33).


6. HOW SHOULD WE _________ FOR HIS RETURN? 1 Peter 3

  • Be ___________________
  • To be peaceful. It literally means: to get along. To quit finding fault with each other.
  • Be ______________
  • Without spot and blameless. Live clean honest lives.
  • Be _____________ and _________________
  • Don’t give up hope.  Don’t stop working. Don’t stop proclaiming the Gospel.
  • Be _________________ 
  • Grow in your Christian life.
  • Be ________________

It could happen at any moment.