Sunday Service Sermon 9.25
February 23 10:30 - 11:30 am | Faith Evangelical Free Church
The Outreach of the REAL Church – Acts 3
How did the early church do outreach?
1. They ______________ infiltrated their ____________ – verse 1
2. They _____________ to the ______ of an individual – verses 2-5
3. They ______ the man what he needed the ______ – verses 6-7
4. What they did for _____ man became a _______________ to many – verses 8-10
5. They gave all the ________ to the __________ – verses 11-16
a. They made sure they got no __________ for what happened – verse 12
6. They began to __________ the ____________ with the crowd – verses 13-21
a. They laid a _______________ for ________________ – verses 13-15
i. They acknowledged that Jesus is _____________ as the Son of God – verse 13
ii. They declared that Jesus is the __________ of _________ – verse 15
iii. They were ________________ of the resurrection of Jesus – verse 15
iv. They confronted everyone’s _________ for rejecting Jesus – verse 14
b. They _____________ that Jesus did the miracle – verse 16
i. ________ in Jesus brings _____________ of life – verse 16
c. They asked people to _____________ – verse 19
d. They offered __________________ for sin – verse 19
e. They promised ________ and _______ because Jesus would come to them – verse 20
f. They promised a future _______________ of __________ – verse 21